One week after Tifrons passed away her momma Whisper came into heat. She had not cycled since the birth of Tifrons.  

I received the autopsy for Tifrons and Dr. Claire called to explain things in English.  The cause of death was colic and unfortunately even if we afforded the surgery, it was a type that could not even be corrected.  The section of bowel that Dr. Claire had been "searching for" during her internal exam and could not find was located behind the sternum.  There was no sign of parasites or larvae.  What caused the colic was unknown, though it was reported that a small section of bowel appeared irritated, but Dr. Claire suggested it could have been caused after the colic progressed.

I found great comfort and disappointment when it was reported on the autopsy that dissection of the rear legs, showed no damage to circulation, nerves etc.  It stated that she suffered from lax tendons. I felt good that we had not caused her more damage with our efforts but instead was sure to be corrected had we only had the chance to continue working with her.

I find myself missing her more these days with the sun shining, wishing she could be on the green grass for a munch.  We have another baby due in four weeks, May 16th, and I hope that I don't struggle with bonding.  It is a tremendous joyful feeling to be bonded with a horse friend, but so painful when it is lost.

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